Geek Fight Club?
One of my favorite movies is being blamed for the audacious fashion faux-pas seen here.

The idea does hold tremendous appeal though. People wonder why men are portrayed as immature, selfish dicks. I think a lot of that might have to do with the constant emasculation that men undergo on a regular basis. We're often encouraged to be little boys instead of men. Well, maybe at least tempted. I don't physically fight to provide for my family. Hell I don't even sweat. Maybe my body chemistry is overdue for some of that fight or flight response that is sorely lacking from my day to day life.
I'd like to be a part of a fight club. I'd enjoy the camaraderie with other men in similar social positions as me. I'd even proudly wear the marks of an ass beating. Except my wife won't let me.

The idea does hold tremendous appeal though. People wonder why men are portrayed as immature, selfish dicks. I think a lot of that might have to do with the constant emasculation that men undergo on a regular basis. We're often encouraged to be little boys instead of men. Well, maybe at least tempted. I don't physically fight to provide for my family. Hell I don't even sweat. Maybe my body chemistry is overdue for some of that fight or flight response that is sorely lacking from my day to day life.
I'd like to be a part of a fight club. I'd enjoy the camaraderie with other men in similar social positions as me. I'd even proudly wear the marks of an ass beating. Except my wife won't let me.